Nobody is born a parent

Project Type: Short

Genres: Drama, Thriller

Runtime: 20 minutes

Country of Origin: United Kingdom

Country of Filming: United Kingdom

Language: English

A grieving Mother kidnaps a group of teenagers to find out who killed her son.

Yordan Harasimov

Director Statement

"Standing in a basement among the abducted three best friends of her son Toby, Janet’s mind races. Between her son's death and the teens' provocation, Janet jumps between emotions of confusion, anger, and sadness - endangering the kids’ lives as she struggles to remember she is still a mother. This intense merge between love and rage culminates into an implosion, leading to a gripping journey through grief, pain, and survival.

Designed to deliver powerful cinematic entertainment that conveys deeper meaning beyond the script itself, “I Just Wanted You To See” is a dark and thrilling drama that dives deep into the churning, emotional turbulence of losing a child. Following the protagonist Janet struggling with the recent death of her son, “I Just Wanted You To See” allows viewers to both feel and experience the raw internal battles of taboo topics like mental health, PTSD, anxiety, and panic attacks in its purest form.

Frequently involving themes such as parenting, drug abuse, and grief, “I Just Wanted You To See” is a production that focuses on driving mental health awareness and challenging the stereotypes about people who suffer from mental illnesses – such as they are violent when, in fact, they are the first victims. Even more, it is a picture that tells its story using audible and visual cinematic blends that enable viewers to walk in new shoes, see behind fronted masks, and recognize the true realities of navigating life with mental fog."




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